About this site

Unearthing the Past, One Story at a Time

Welcome to Archaeology in Marlow, my labor of love where history isn't just learned—it's experienced, one story at a time. I am Dr. Liz Chase, a passionate historian with an insatiable curiosity for the secrets of the past.

From the moment I unearthed my first artifact, I was hooked. The thrill of discovery, the reverence of holding something centuries old, and the joy of piecing together the lives of those who walked this earth before us—these are the experiences I aim to share with you.

At Archaeology in Marlow, every relic, ruin, and record becomes a storyteller. Through meticulous research and a bit of imagination, I weave these historic threads into rich, compelling narratives that bring the past to life. Whether it’s a forgotten village, an ancient artifact, or a landmark with a storied history, I delve deep to uncover the hidden facets of Marlow's heritage.

Join me on this journey as we explore the nooks and crannies of history, unraveling the mysteries and marveling at the marvels. Let’s look beyond the textbooks and into the heart of history itself, where every layer of soil tells a tale and every stone whispers a secret. Here, at Archaeology in Marlow, the past is always present and waiting to be discovered anew.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible adventure. Together, let's unearth the past, one story at a time.

Warm regards,

Dr. Liz Chase